I'm shocked you got anything back from them!
Hell, at the very least you took 75 cents out of Tony the Turd's pocket!
I'm shocked you got anything back from them!
Hell, at the very least you took 75 cents out of Tony the Turd's pocket!
i love to read the watchtower's article "the church fathersadvocates of bible truth?
" (w01 4/15 pp.
there we may read the most contadictory statements of the watchtower society, which shows how deceptive and ignorant is the jehovah's witnesses religion.. .
This is great!
i've been working on a side project for a while.
the goal of the project is to create a comprehensive database of all publications throughout history.
with this database i will be able to instantly find trends in text,sentiment of writing, methods used, and scriptures emphasized.. essentially i will be able to put a word like "apostate" into my tool, and instantly receive a report showing every time the word (or similar words) has been used in all publications since 1870.. i will also be able to create reports showing word density used in publications over time.. so i'll be able to see that the word "governing body" has increased in usage 25% year over year since 1975.. or i will be able to analyze the november 2014 wt and run an algorithm that helps to determine, what the tone and motive of the writing is.. the thing that i am most excited about is the ability to instantly find every occurence of a scripture in every publication.. this will be a great tool to find flip flops in doctrine as well as inaccuracies in biblical interpretation.. i will for sure publish all interesting findings here.. .
You can do A LOT with a corpus.
You could analyze negative semantic prosody. . . . . see how it's used with regards to "loaded language". . .
Even analyze bullying tactics.
Great stuff!
select "premium download".
(thanks breakfast of champions).
I see gallons of water. . . . What looks like sacks of grain/rice. . . And what looks like bottles of window cleaner - which makes perfect sense!
the annual meeting of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses will be in october 2014.. .. in november 2013, just after the last one they published this now famous statement in the 15th of november 2013 watchtower page 16 paragraph 17 says:.
"at that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from jehovahs organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.".
I could definitely see them combining the Awake and Public watchtower into a jw.org magazine. The Study edition of the WT would continue to be published.
this is something i have wondered about, and our great poster stillin posed the question on another thread .
russell get the idea that jerusalem was destroyed in 606/7 bce?
(he adjusted 606 to 607 when it was pointed out there was no year "0").. as in the main a plagiarist, rather than an original thinker, i guess he got it from someone else ?.
they simply refuse to think, to reason, to ponder.
they are lazy!.
even if they might feel that something isn't right, they won't research an issue or a question.
I agree that there is a huge chunk of JWs who are incapable of any meaningful cognition.
However, I think it is more often the case that the average witness is not being completely honest with themselves.
They refuse to be honest with themselves because it would just be too damn painful.
every paragraph and every article in this issue is nonstop heavy artillery fire propaganda.
i have never seen a wt so full of logical fallacies, appeals to emotion, appeals to authority, guilt tripping and bite techniques all in one issue!
paragraph 9 states clearly that even though the gb is imperfect, that does not matter, we must obey them anyways.
So what this paragraph is really saying is: "All you folks out there who aren't buying this new generation shit, JUST OBEY ANYWAY. The GB do it, so should you."
My question is, if the GB don't question faulty reasoning, why does it ever change?
select "premium download".
(thanks breakfast of champions).
I imagine the elder reading the letter turning into a zombie.
i just finished crysis of a conscience and all i have to say is wow!
showed how they sadly look for doctrine changes to fit their agenda vs what the bible says.
any new light or changes i'll be wondering the real motive behind them.
Right now I'm reading High as the Horses' Bridles by Scott Cheshire, who was raised as a JW. An amazing description of the Stanley Theater (he calls it something else - this is fiction) in the first few pages. A great writer, enjoying the book so far. . . .